Monday, February 04, 2008

An IASAS Legend Ends His Career at JIS

My good friend, Gene Magil, has been coaching the girls' team since the early 80's. He is an IASAS legend. He has lead the girls to the championship game 13 times, and has 8 silver medals and 5 gold medals. More than that, though, he has touched the lives of hundreds of girls that have played on his teams throughout the years. He not only coaches, but is a great friend and teacher of life skills. He is a legend, and will be missed BIG TIME.

He turns 60 this year, and that is the age limit to work at JIS. He will work at TAS next year.


quintarantino said...

That's a coach!

Anonymous said...

i know that guy!
i've been played against JIS as a sparing partner since 2003, that's explain the younger coach i met today!